>>> k={ '201406114326':'3','201406114327':'2','201406114328':'1','201406114329':'0'}>>> k['201406114326']'3'>>> k.pop('201406114327')'2'>>> k{ '201406114326': '3', '201406114328': '1', '201406114329': '0'}>>> k.keys()dict_keys(['201406114326', '201406114328', '201406114329'])>>> k.values()dict_values(['3', '1', '0'])>>> k.items()dict_items([('201406114326', '3'), ('201406114328', '1'), ('201406114329', '0')])>>> k.get('201406114326')'3'>>> k.get('201406114327','无结果')'无结果'>>>
总结列表,元组,字典,集合的联系与区别。ls=list("abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz")tu=tuple("abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz")di={ '语文':1,"数学":2,"英语":3,"物理":4,"化学":5,"生物":6}se=set("123131321")for i in tu: print(i)
s='''Well I wonder could it be When I was dreaming about you babyYou were dreaming of me Call me crazy Call me blind To still be sufferingis stupid after all of this time Did I lose my love to someone betterAnd does she love you like I do I do, you know I really really doWell hey So much I need to say Been lonely since the day The day you went awaySo sad but true For me there‘s only you Been crying since the daythe day you went away.!?'''print("do出现次数",s.count('do'))s=s.replace(",","")s=s.replace(‘.‘,‘‘)s=s.replace(‘?‘,‘‘)s=s.replace(‘!‘,‘‘)s=s.replace(‘\n‘,‘‘)s=s.lower()s1=s.split(‘ ‘)key=set(s1)dic={}for i in key: dic[i]=s.count(i)wc=list(dic.items())wc.sort(key=lambda x:x[1],reverse=True)for i in range(10):print(wc[i])